Sunday, September 30, 2007

Relation Between Flow Properties, Molecular Mass and Branching of Polymer

Text taken from:

Vinogradov, Georgii Vladimirovich; Malkin, Aleksandr Yakovievich. Rheology of Polymers: Viscoelasticity and Flow of Polymers. Mir Publishers. Moscow; 1980. p. 153-154


Relation Between Flow Properties, Molecular Mass and Branching of Polymer


While considering the temperature dependence of the viscosity of linear polymers, we introduced the concept of the macromolecular segment as a molecular-kinetic unit performing elementary acts of translation in space from one equilibrium state to another. if the size of the segment is much smaller than that of the macromolecule, these transfers --the elementary acts of flow --are independent of molecular mass. However, for the macromolecule to be transferred irreversibly, it is necessary that the centre of gravity of the entire molecule be shifted as a result of the displacement of its constituent segments. But the higher the molecular mass of the polymer, i. e., the greater the number of segments in the macromolecule, the larger is the number of cooperative segment motions that must be effected for its centre of gravity to be shifted and the higher must be the viscosity.

Study of the effect of molecular mass on the flow properties of polymers is supposed to provide answers to a number of questions. How doe molecular mass affect the initial viscosity and non-Newtonian flow behavior (anomalous viscosity) of polymer? How can one compare the flow properties of polymers with the different structures of the macromolecular chain, considering that at one and the same molecular mass the chain length and flexibility may strongly differ for polymers of different nature? How does the molecular mass distribution affect the dependence of the Newtonian (initial) viscosity on molecular mass and how does the non-Newtonian flow behavior change? In evaluating the effect of molecular-mass distribution (MMD) on the flow properties of polymers there also arises the most important question: What characteristics of MMD and what values of molecular mass of polydisperse polymers about be used to compare the flow properties of various polymer?

…to be continued

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure For Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure For Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

See: Nature 171, 737 (1953)
(Watson and Crick: DNA)DNA

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Polymer Journal: ACS Publications


Vol. 40, Issue 14 July 10, 2007 Cover

On the cover: The artwork aims on describing various tools allowing the nanoscale analysis of functional polymer blends as applied for the photoactive layer of polymer solar cells. In detail, the background represents the 3D volume reconstruction of the bulk heterojunction blend MDMO-PPV/PCBM as obtained by TEM tomography (only the PCBM domains are visualized). Top left: the TEM bright-field images show the PCBM domains imbedded in the MDMO-PPV matrix. Bottom left: the AFM images show demixing of PCBM from MDMO-PPV with annealing time. Top right: the AFM tip symbolizes conductivity-AFM measurements allowing local conductivity measurements of the photoactive layer with few nanometer lateral resolution and the corresponding IV characteristics of such C-AFM measurements. See: Yang, X.; Loos, J. Macromolecules 2007, 40, 1353-1362.


Biomacromolecules explores the interactions of macromolecules with biological systems and their environments as well as biological approaches to the design of polymeric materials. Cutting-edge research at the interface of polymer science and biological sciences.

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